Why Do Christians...?

The Christian faith can be difficult to understand sometimes. You can be brand new to it, or in the faith your entire life and still have questions about why Christians do what they do. Come along for the ride every week as a Christian radio DJ and a Pastor unpack the question “Why do Christians…?”
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Why Do Christians Say In Jesus Name?
Sunday, March 23, 2025
Have you ever wondered why Christian prayers usually include the phrase "In Jesus' Name?" Also, how are you supposed to say that? Jesus's, or just Jesus'? Mark puts his English Minor to work.We’d love to answer your questions about Christians, Christian faith, or culture on a future episode! Send your questions to podcast@wearethebridge.org with the subject “Why Do Christians” We can’t wait to hear from you!Please share Why Do Christians...? with a friend if you enjoyed this episode. Why Do Christians...? is still growing, and your positive review and 5-star rating would help.The Bridge Pod...
Why Do Christians Believe In One God?
Sunday, March 16, 2025
Lots of religions have many gods, what does Christianity only have one God?We’d love to answer your questions about Christians, Christian faith, or culture on a future episode! Send your questions to podcast@wearethebridge.org with the subject “Why Do Christians” We can’t wait to hear from you!Please share Why Do Christians...? with a friend if you enjoyed this episode. Why Do Christians...? is still growing, and your positive review and 5-star rating would help.The Bridge Podcast Network is made possible by generous support from The Boardwalk Plaza Hotel and Victoria’s Restaurant on the bo...
Why Do Christians Get Anxious?
Sunday, March 9, 2025
The Bible tells us not to be anxious, so is anxiety a sin? Is it okay for Christians to be anxious? How can I trust God with my anxiety?We’d love to answer your questions about Christians, Christian faith, or culture on a future episode! Send your questions to podcast@wearethebridge.org with the subject “Why Do Christians” We can’t wait to hear from you!Please share Why Do Christians...? with a friend if you enjoyed this episode. Why Do Christians...? is still growing, and your positive review and 5-star rating would help.The Bridge Podcast Network is made possible by generous support from ...
Why Do Christians Say Bless You?
Sunday, March 2, 2025
What does God have to do with sneezing? Is there a reason we say bless you? The podcast also received its first ever LETTER in the mail (not an email). Join Mark and Pastor Burt for this fun episode.We’d love to answer your questions about Christians, Christian faith, or culture on a future episode! Send your questions to podcast@wearethebridge.org with the subject “Why Do Christians” We can’t wait to hear from you!Please share Why Do Christians...? with a friend if you enjoyed this episode. Why Do Christians...? is still growing, and your positive review and 5-star rating would help.The Br...
Why Do Christians Ask So Many Questions?
Sunday, February 23, 2025
In this episode; Mark dives into the heart of why we started this podcast, and encourages you to ask big questions as we continue our walk with Christ.We’d love to answer your questions about Christians, Christian faith, or culture on a future episode! Send your questions to podcast@wearethebridge.org with the subject “Why Do Christians” We can’t wait to hear from you!Please share Why Do Christians...? with a friend if you enjoyed this episode. Why Do Christians...? is still growing, and your positive review and 5-star rating would help.The Bridge Podcast Network is made possible by generou...
Why Do Christians Fast? With Josh Dupiche
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Fasting is an often overlooked part of scripture. Why and when should we fast? In this episode we invited Pastor Josh Dupiche of Hope Church in Milford, DE to discuss fasting with us.Learn more about Pastor Josh’s ministry at www.hopebfc.churchWe’d love to answer your questions about Christians, Christian faith, or culture on a future episode! Send your questions to podcast@wearethebridge.org with the subject “Why Do Christians” We can’t wait to hear from you!Please share Why Do Christians...? with a friend if you enjoyed this episode. Why Do Christians...? is still growing, and your positi...
Why Do Christians Serve? With Pastor Kenneth Wagner
Sunday, February 9, 2025
What does it mean to serve at church? How can my church serve my community? We were inspired by United Church in Dover and Milford Delaware, and decided to invite Pastor Kenneth Wagner to talk about serving.Learn more about Pastor Kenneth's ministry by visiting www.unitedchurchde.comWe’d love to answer your questions about Christians, Christian faith, or culture on a future episode! Send your questions to podcast@wearethebridge.org with the subject “Why Do Christians” We can’t wait to hear from you!Please share Why Do Christians...? with a friend if you enjoyed this episode. Why Do Christia...
Why Do Christians Worship? With Dr. Sam Storms
Sunday, February 2, 2025
What is the purpose of worshiping God? Why do we sing songs on Sunday Morning? Dr. Sam Storms is the author of the new book, “Understanding Worship: Biblical Foundations for Delighting in and Feasting on God” due out later this year (September 2025).Dr. Sam Storms has authored and published numerous books and theological resources. Sam served as Lead Pastor at Bridgeway Church in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma for 14 years. He is the executive director of the Convergence Church Network, the President of Enjoying God Ministries and a Council Member of The Gospel Coalition. He has also served as Pre...
Why Do Christians NOT Pray?
Sunday, January 26, 2025
We’ve been given a direct line of communication to the Creator of EVERYTHING. Why is it so hard for Christians to pray continually? Why don’t Christians pray sometimes?We’d love to answer your questions about Christians, Christian faith, or culture on a future episode! Send your questions to podcast@wearethebridge.org with the subject “Why Do Christians” We can’t wait to hear from you!Please share Why Do Christians...? with a friend if you enjoyed this episode. Why Do Christians...? is still growing, and your positive review and 5-star rating would help.The Bridge Podcast Network is made po...
Why Do Christians Experience Tragedy?
Sunday, January 19, 2025
If God is as powerful as Christians claim, why do tragedies happen to His people? How should Christians respond in the face of Tragedy? Find out in this week’s episode.We’d love to answer your questions about Christians, Christian faith, or culture on a future episode! Send your questions to podcast@wearethebridge.org with the subject “Why Do Christians” We can’t wait to hear from you!Please share Why Do Christians...? with a friend if you enjoyed this episode. Why Do Christians...? is still growing, and your positive review and 5-star rating would help.The Bridge Podcast Network is made po...
Why Do Christians Disagree With Each Other?
Sunday, January 12, 2025
How can so many people who believe in the same thing have so much to disagree about? Why do Christians not like other Christians? Is it healthy to disagree with other Christians?We’d love to answer your questions about Christians, Christian faith, or culture on a future episode! Send your questions to podcast@wearethebridge.org with the subject “Why Do Christians” We can’t wait to hear from you!Please share Why Do Christians...? with a friend if you enjoyed this episode. Why Do Christians...? is still growing, and your positive review and 5-star rating would help.The Bridge Podcast Network ...
Why Do Christians Get Luke Warm? Part 2
Sunday, January 5, 2025
In this episode we finish discussing how Christians can become lukewarm, and ways to fix it!We’d love to answer your questions about Christians, Christian faith, or culture on a future episode! Send your questions to podcast@wearethebridge.org with the subject “Why Do Christians” We can’t wait to hear from you!Please share Why Do Christians...? with a friend if you enjoyed this episode. Why Do Christians...? is still growing, and your positive review and 5-star rating would help.The Bridge Podcast Network is made possible by generous support from The Boardwalk Plaza Hotel and Victoria’s Res...
Why Do Christians Get Luke Warm? Part 1
Sunday, December 29, 2024
What does it mean to be lukewarm as a christian? Am I lukewarm? How does someone become lukewarm? There’s a lot to discuss!We’d love to answer your questions about Christians, Christian faith, or culture on a future episode! Send your questions to podcast@wearethebridge.org with the subject “Why Do Christians” We can’t wait to hear from you!Please share Why Do Christians...? with a friend if you enjoyed this episode. Why Do Christians...? is still growing, and your positive review and 5-star rating would help.The Bridge Podcast Network is made possible by generous support from The Boardwalk...
Why Do Christians Regift Podcast Episodes About Christmas?
Sunday, December 22, 2024
Why Do Christians Celebrate Christmas? We answered that question last year, and we’ve re-gifted that episode for you this year! Merry Christmas!We’d love to answer your questions about Christians, Christian faith, or culture on a future episode! Send your questions to podcast@wearethebridge.org with the subject “Why Do Christians” We can’t wait to hear from you!Please share Why Do Christians...? with a friend if you enjoyed this episode. Why Do Christians...? is still growing, and your positive review and 5-star rating would help.The Bridge Podcast Network is made possible by generous suppo...
Why Do Christians Play Drums For Infants?
Sunday, December 15, 2024
Is the Little Drummer Boy in the Bible? NOPE! There’s a lot of things we think came from the Bible that actually aren’t in there. In this episode we take a look at a few stories, and misconceptions in the Bible.We’d love to answer your questions about Christians, Christian faith, or culture on a future episode! Send your questions to podcast@wearethebridge.org with the subject “Why Do Christians” We can’t wait to hear from you!Please share Why Do Christians...? with a friend if you enjoyed this episode. Why Do Christians...? is still growing, and your positive review and 5-star rating would...
Why Do Christians Believe In Fantastical Things?
Sunday, December 8, 2024
Why did people live longer in the earlier parts of the Bible? Why don’t we like to be 900 anymore? How should we respond to the supernatural in the Bible? All of this in this week’s episode.We’d love to answer your questions about Christians, Christian faith, or culture on a future episode! Send your questions to podcast@wearethebridge.org with the subject “Why Do Christians” We can’t wait to hear from you!Please share Why Do Christians...? with a friend if you enjoyed this episode. Why Do Christians...? is still growing, and your positive review and 5-star rating would help.The Bridge Podc...
Why Do Christians Fear God?
Sunday, December 1, 2024
If God loves us so much, why does the BIble say to fear Him? Join Mark and Pastor Burt as we dive into why Christians fear God.We’d love to answer your questions about Christians, Christian faith, or culture on a future episode! Send your questions to podcast@wearethebridge.org with the subject “Why Do Christians” We can’t wait to hear from you!Please share Why Do Christians...? with a friend if you enjoyed this episode. Why Do Christians...? is still growing, and your positive review and 5-star rating would help.The Bridge Podcast Network is made possible by generous support from The Board...
Why Do Christians Believe In The Holy Spirit?
Sunday, November 24, 2024
What is The Holy Spirit? WHO is the Holy Spirit? Is He the same as the Holy Ghost? Many Christians have an understanding of who God and Jesus are, but tend to neglect the third part of the Trinity.We’d love to answer your questions about Christians, Christian faith, or culture on a future episode! Send your questions to podcast@wearethebridge.org with the subject “Why Do Christians” We can’t wait to hear from you!Please share Why Do Christians...? with a friend if you enjoyed this episode. Why Do Christians...? is still growing, and your positive review and 5-star rating would help.The Brid...
Why Do Christians Believe In Dinosaurs?
Sunday, November 17, 2024
A listener asked how dinosaurs and cavemen fit into the timeline of the Bible. Join Mark and Burt as they discuss the topic of how old the Earth is, AND attempt to quote Jurassic Park as much as possible.We’d love to answer your questions about Christians, Christian faith, or culture on a future episode! Send your questions to podcast@wearethebridge.org with the subject “Why Do Christians” We can’t wait to hear from you!Please share Why Do Christians...? with a friend if you enjoyed this episode. Why Do Christians...? is still growing, and your positive review and 5-star rating would help.T...
Why Do Christians Say Jesus Is Coming Back?
Sunday, November 10, 2024
What do they mean when they say He’s coming back? Where did He go? In this episode, Mark and Burt dive into FOUR popular beliefs about end times in the Bible and what it means for Jesus to come back to the Earth.We’d love to answer your questions about Christians, Christian faith, or culture on a future episode! Send your questions to podcast@wearethebridge.org with the subject “Why Do Christians” We can’t wait to hear from you!Please share Why Do Christians...? with a friend if you enjoyed this episode. Why Do Christians...? is still growing, and your positive review and 5-star rating woul...
Why Do Christians Be Single?
Sunday, November 3, 2024
We got an email from a listener asking about singleness. Is God disappointed in me because I’m single? What does the Bible have to say about being single? How has our culture distorted God’s intention for marriage? Find out in this week’s episode.We’d love to answer your questions about Christians, Christian faith, or culture on a future episode! Send your questions to podcast@wearethebridge.org with the subject “Why Do Christians” We can’t wait to hear from you!Please share Why Do Christians...? with a friend if you enjoyed this episode. Why Do Christians...? is still growing, and your pos...
Why Do Christians Believe In Jesus? Part 3
Sunday, October 27, 2024
The topic so big that it’ll take three episodes! In this episode we simply ask the question “if Jesus was real, there would be evidence of His existence… where is it?” We dive into places in history and archeology that proves Jesus and His ministry were in fact, real.We’d love to answer your questions about Christians, Christian faith, or culture on a future episode! Send your questions to podcast@wearethebridge.org with the subject “Why Do Christians” We can’t wait to hear from you!Please share Why Do Christians...? with a friend if you enjoyed this episode. Why Do Christians...? is still ...
Why Do Christians Believe In Jesus? Part 2
Sunday, October 20, 2024
The topic so big that it’ll take three episodes! In this part we’ll focus on Biblical prophecies. Many of the different places in scripture where Jesus was foretold.We’d love to answer your questions about Christians, Christian faith, or culture on a future episode! Send your questions to podcast@wearethebridge.org with the subject “Why Do Christians” We can’t wait to hear from you!Please share Why Do Christians...? with a friend if you enjoyed this episode. Why Do Christians...? is still growing, and your positive review and 5-star rating would help.The Bridge Podcast Network is made possi...
Why Do Christians Believe In Jesus? Part 1
Sunday, October 13, 2024
The topic so big that it’ll take three episodes! In this part we will focus on logical and intellectual reasons for believing in Jesus. What hard facts are there?We’d love to answer your questions about Christians, Christian faith, or culture on a future episode! Send your questions to podcast@wearethebridge.org with the subject “Why Do Christians” We can’t wait to hear from you!Please share Why Do Christians...? with a friend if you enjoyed this episode. Why Do Christians...? is still growing, and your positive review and 5-star rating would help.The Bridge Podcast Network is made possible...
Why Do Christians Avoid Halloween?
Sunday, October 6, 2024
Is it sinful to practice Halloween? Why are some Christians okay with Halloween, and others not? In this episode we explore the origins of Halloween, what the Bible says about it, and why this holiday is treated so differently by Christians.We’d love to answer your questions about Christians, Christian faith, or culture on a future episode! Send your questions to podcast@wearethebridge.org with the subject “Why Do Christians” We can’t wait to hear from you!Please share Why Do Christians...? with a friend if you enjoyed this episode. Why Do Christians...? is still growing, and your positive ...
Why Do Christians Live In Bubbles?
Sunday, September 29, 2024
What is the Christian Bubble? Is it the same as being sheltered? Can a Christian still be following Christ if they don’t spend any time with non-believers?We’d love to answer your questions about Christians, Christian faith, or culture on a future episode! Send your questions to podcast@wearethebridge.org with the subject “Why Do Christians” We can’t wait to hear from you!Please share Why Do Christians...? with a friend if you enjoyed this episode. Why Do Christians...? is still growing, and your positive review and 5-star rating would help.The Bridge Podcast Network is made possible by gen...
Why Do Christians Repent?
Sunday, September 22, 2024
Is repenting more than saying sorry? Is there a special way that we have to repent to God? Join us this week as we explore the topic of repentance.We’d love to answer your questions about Christians, Christian faith, or culture on a future episode! Send your questions to podcast@wearethebridge.org with the subject “Why Do Christians” We can’t wait to hear from you!Please share Why Do Christians...? with a friend if you enjoyed this episode. Why Do Christians...? is still growing, and your positive review and 5-star rating would help.The Bridge Podcast Network is made possible by generous su...
Why Do Christians Get Counseling?
Sunday, September 15, 2024
Is it okay for Christians to go to counseling? Does God count as a counselor? Does my counselor need to be Christian? Mental health is a pretty common topic these days, and we thought it was a perfect one for this week's episode!We’d love to answer your questions about Christians, Christian faith, or culture on a future episode! Send your questions to podcast@wearethebridge.org with the subject “Why Do Christians” We can’t wait to hear from you!Please share Why Do Christians...? with a friend if you enjoyed this episode. Why Do Christians...? is still growing, and your positive review and 5...
Why Do Christians Have Creeds?
Sunday, September 8, 2024
What is a creed? Do I need one? Why do Christians come up with these phrases they recite that aren’t directly in the Bible? Is that okay? Mark and Burt explore the history and use of creeds in this week's episode.We’d love to answer your questions about Christians, Christian faith, or culture on a future episode! Send your questions to podcast@wearethebridge.org with the subject “Why Do Christians” We can’t wait to hear from you!Please share Why Do Christians...? with a friend if you enjoyed this episode. Why Do Christians...? is still growing, and your positive review and 5-star rating wou...
Why Do Christians Believe In Angels?
Sunday, September 1, 2024
Society has a lot to say, but what does thet Bible say? Do they sit on your shoulders like in old cartoons? Do people become angels when they die? Are guardian angels real? Find out in this week’s episode.We’d love to answer your questions about Christians, Christian faith, or culture on a future episode! Send your questions to podcast@wearethebridge.org with the subject “Why Do Christians” We can’t wait to hear from you!Please share Why Do Christians...? with a friend if you enjoyed this episode. Why Do Christians...? is still growing, and your positive review and 5-star rating would help....