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Together equips us to overcome loneliness. Learn to identify what gets in the way of real community, how to develop and deepen true friendships, and discover a place of true belonging. Hosted by Author, Pastor, and Communicator Jack Eason. Together is part of the Bridge Podcast Network.

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  • Together with Gary Robbins

    Wednesday, December 13, 2023

    22 minutes

    Gary Robbins is a science and technology writer for The San Diego Union-Tribune. As the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) started to spread through the United States, Gary took a closer look at the impact on University and College students.This is not the first time Gary penned articles concerning students, but the discoveries he made related to loneliness and how students are handling the epidemic is telling.In the midst of the pandemic, Gary took to Reddit to hear how students were venting. Through interviews, he heard their frustration over making plans to deal with continuing education, chan...

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  • Together with Drew Hunter

    Wednesday, December 13, 2023

    18 minutes

    How many friends do you have? My Facebook page says over 3000. But those aren’t really friends. I’ve never wanted fewer friendships, at least fewer REAL friendships. But that’s difficult in today’s world. And yet we were made for friendship.The theme of friendship and relationship is all through the Bible. We read of how friendships were strengthened, and sometimes, how they were weakened. Jesus even called himself a “friend of sinners.” But for some reason, this friendship idea seems like a foreign concept in our world.We have lots of connecting and “networking,” but are those relationship...

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  • Together with Jack Eason

    Wednesday, December 13, 2023

    14 minutes

    As a world, we are going crazy! What is going on out there? While we are ALL trapped inside, I want to give you an update that should help you deal with isolation and loneliness.As we fight the epidemic of loneliness, a new enemy of the connected community arrived. COVID-19 – the coronavirus – which has forced people to limit gatherings to 10 or less. All the activities that pull our community together are being canceled.What can you do to fight loneliness in the midst of this chaotic situation?Grab your copy of Jack Eason's latest book TOGETHER: Abandoning Loneliness for the Power of Commu...

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  • Together with Pastor Jared Morey

    Wednesday, December 13, 2023

    21 minutes

    Some people talk about the problems in a community, some people are very aware of them. And some people choose to do something about them. Jerad Morey is one of those people.A pastor in Northfield, Minnesota, Jerad saw a need in the community in the winter months. Children had no place to play and the church opened up its gym to meet a need. What happened was truly amazing!The needs of the children were met, but it also opened up an opportunity to build community and reach out to people.This intentionality is something that most of us are missing when it comes to defeating loneliness and me...

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  • Together with Nicole Phillips

    Wednesday, December 13, 2023

    27 minutes

    Jack speaks with Nicole Phillips – a published author and public speaker who is tackling the lack of kindness in the world. She reveals the studies done on ‘anger pathways’ which light up on brain scans. And methods we can use to retrain our brain to remain cool, calm, and collected – to better spread kindness!Nicole J Phillips is a champion for using kindness to overcome all of life’s difficulties, including her own battle with breast cancer. She spreads the message of the healing power of kindness as host of The Kindness Podcast.Nicole is the author of two books, Kindness is Contagious: 1...

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  • Together with Rashawn Copeland

    Wednesday, December 13, 2023

    26 minutes

    Rashawn Copeland is a minister who writes and a writer who preaches! He understands we are, at times, the most connected generation, and yet we all still struggle with being disconnected.At one time, Rashawn was a ‘hype-man’ in LA who revved up crowds ahead of artists like Soulja Boy. After his conversion to Christ, Rashawn repurposed his skills to strengthen the church and its members. During that time Rashawn discovered the message behind his book ‘Start Where You Are.’Through the Scriptures and Stories Podcast, Rashawn Copeland shares ordinary stories from fantastic guests. You will hear...

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  • Together with Will Wright

    Wednesday, December 13, 2023

    25 minutes

    Will Wright is CEO of a health coaching company which discovered the epidemic of loneliness before many others. “The biggest problem is the feeling of isolation you get when you don’t buy into what you’re doing or the culture, and you don’t have a healthy outlet to talk about it,” he said.Jack Eason takes time to dive deeper into Will’s TEDx Talk. Will Wright was an expert in the ever-changing world of health care, where costs have been rising faster than inflation since the mid-60s.At McKinsey, he traveled almost constantly, dissecting gigabytes of claims data to help insurance companies m...

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  • Together with Timothy Eldred

    Wednesday, December 13, 2023

    33 minutes

    Timothy Eldred released his book ‘Alone Sucks’ to the world in 2017. Timothy is a seasoned pastor, author, speaker, and unrelenting voice for releasing people’s potential with a reputation for challenging the status quo. He speaks, teaches, and performs throughout the world, and his books have been read by hundreds of thousands of people.Jack Eason spoke with Timothy about the issues of aloneness and loneliness.As Timothy shares his story with Jack, it is clear there was fear when God asked him to share his story with the world. But he did as he was asked, and the warm reception of the book...

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  • Together with Dr. Patricia A. Farrell

    Wednesday, December 13, 2023

    21 minutes

    Dr. Patricia A. Farrell joins Jack Eason to discuss the prevalence of loneliness among the young, middle aged, and elderly.As well as our tendency to avoid social interaction to our detriment. Her recommendations for breaking the cycle of loneliness in your life are incredible. Dr. Patricia A. Farrell is a psychologist of a different stripe. She is a licensed clinical psychologist and published author with experience in the field of mental health as a practicing clinician, medical writer, researcher, educator and disability consultant. At once time, she was the National Clinical Monitor for...

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  • Together with Pastor Dave Thomas

    Wednesday, December 13, 2023

    20 minutes

    The reality is, as a community – especially as a body of believers – one of the awesome benefits about doing life together is the incredible gift of worship.I recently had the privilege to pinch-hit as a worship leader for a pastor friend of mine in Knoxville, Tennessee. The proposed month-long fill-in serving with Dave Thomas and his congregation evolved into a seven-month stint, but it was well worth the experience.Speaking with a good friend of mine – Pastor Dave Thomas of Buffat Heights Baptist Church in Knoxville, Tennessee – we take a closer look at some of the ways his church worship...

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  • Together with Julie Jargon

    Wednesday, December 13, 2023

    19 minutes

    Julie Jargon is the Family & Tech columnist at The Wall Street Journal, writing weekly about the impact of technology on family life. During her years as a beat reporter, she covered restaurant and food companies such as Starbucks, McDonald's, Papa John's and Kraft.She recently wrote a piece for The Wall Street Journal entitled 'Lonely Girls: How the Pandemic Has Deepened the Isolation of Adolescents'. The article examines how the coronavirus lockdown has increased the fear of missing out for many girls. She explains how social media reveals who’s getting together and who’s stuck at home.Yo...

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  • Together with John-Manuel Andriote

    Wednesday, December 13, 2023

    18 minutes

    John-Manuel Andriote is an award-winning author, journalist, speaker, and communication consultant. Since 1983, he has written about health medicine and popular culture for The Washington Post and other newspapers and magazines.Andriote points out that even during times together, it is recommended that we maintain social distance. With regard to traditional American holidays, Thanksgiving and Christmas, the need for human connection and touch will go unmet.Isolation and the loneliness which comes with that have been reinforced in 2020, unlike any other time.Grab your copy of Jack Eason's la...

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  • Together with Andrew Steptoe

    Wednesday, December 13, 2023

    17 minutes

    Together, Jack Eason and Andrew Steptoe look at how psychological experiences can influence health. Steptoe notes that social relationships are a very important part of people's overall experience. Understanding how those thing effect health have been a major theme throughout his research.Two major groups were studied by Andrew Steptoe during the course of his research. The aged and youth. A majority of his time is spent talking with, analyzing, and studying older people as they move through their 50's 60's and into old age. Among older people, the effects of isolation and loneliness tend t...

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  • Together with Mark Weible

    Wednesday, December 13, 2023

    24 minutes

    Mark Weible and Jack Eason discuss the purpose and methods of expanding the church. Not just into the mission field by taking the gospel to the unreached, as most would think. But more importantly to expand the existing church by branching out to plant new churches in the the many communities surrounding thriving churches.Mark Weible works with the Greater Orlando Baptist Association as the Church Planting Director. He joined the GOBA team in 2002. He previously served as an associate director of missions, pastor, radio station operations manager, youth pastor, and children’s home house par...

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  • Together with Lauren Mapp

    Wednesday, December 13, 2023

    15 minutes

    Lauren Mapp, the award-winning journalist in San Diego, CA, joins Jack Eason to discuss navigating the loneliness of the elderly during the coronavirus global pandemic. She details steps San Diego County took to keep in touch with seniors at this time through regular, consistent phone calls.Lauren holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism with a minor in American Indian studies from San Diego State University, and she has three associate degrees in journalism, political science, and culinary arts/management from San Diego Mesa College. She writes as an investigative reporting intern at inewso...

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  • Together with Dr. Maria Loades

    Wednesday, December 13, 2023

    19 minutes

    Jack Eason takes time to speak with Dr. Maria Loades, who focuses on young people’s mental health. While her attention was not centered on loneliness when the COVID-19 pandemic started, after the quarantine measures started, she discussed the impact isolation would have on young people's ability to connect socially. The concern over the impact to mental health led to a study by Dr. Maria Loades and her team.Led by Dr. Maria Loades, from the Department of Psychology at the University of Bath, the team of clinical psychologists established how loneliness and disease containment steps will imp...

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  • Together with Ainsley Hawthorn

    Wednesday, December 13, 2023

    25 minutes

    Jack Eason speaks with Ainsley Hawthorn, PhD about an article she wrote about what she recognized in her friends living through the global pandemic. The shocking realization was that social isolation was already entrenched in our society long before the coronavirus broke out.Ainsley Hawthorn, PhD, is an author, cultural historian, and multidisciplinary artist based in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.She earned her doctorate in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at Yale University, and her academic expertise includes sensory studies, Mesopotamian literature and religion, Middle E...

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  • Together with Schylar Fields

    Wednesday, December 13, 2023

    15 minutes

    Jack Eason speaks with Schylar Fields, a pastor in Kentucky, who has seen major changes in the life of his church as a result of coronavirus. One of the main impacts has been an increase in loneliness.Schylar Fields is a native of southern Ohio and holds a Masters of Divinity from Liberty University. He has been accepted into the PhD program in Evangelism and Preaching at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.Touch base with Schylar online at http://www.brunerschapel.comGrab your copy of Jack Eason's latest book TOGETHER: Abandoning Loneliness for the Power of Community at https://www.j...

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  • Together with Judith Smith

    Wednesday, December 13, 2023

    16 minutes

    Jack speaks with Judith Smith, Assistant Dean of the Undergraduate Nursing Program at Goldfarb School of Nursing. Loneliness is of significant concern for older adults. With old age come multiple losses that compound over time.Loss associated with health, social status, friends, and their spouse all have an impact. Listen to the conversation between Judith and Jack as they explore the effects of loneliness in the geriatric community, and some of the treatment methods being implemented.Her research into Geriatric Loneliness can be found at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/229154636_...

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  • Together with Varun Soni

    Wednesday, December 13, 2023

    18 minutes

    Varun Soni joins Jack Eason for a discussion of loneliness. Specifically among college students - a group most people would not consider being lonely.Varun Soni is the Dean of Religious Life at the University of Southern California. His complete biography can be found at https://orl.usc.edu/about/soni/Grab your copy of Jack Eason's latest book TOGETHER: Abandoning Loneliness for the Power of Community at https://www.jackeason.org/books/#lonelinessStatistics show that, despite our connected world--and partly because of it--we are lonelier than ever. Social media tricks us into thinking that ...

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  • Together with Shane Pruitt

    Wednesday, December 13, 2023

    36 minutes

    Jack Eason welcomes Shane Pruitt to discuss loneliness among Gen Z and Millennials.Shane serves as the National Next Gen Evangelism Director for the North American Mission Board (NAMB). He lives in Rockwall, TX with his large family. Shane is also a traveling communicator, evangelist, and Bible teacher. Every year he speaks to tens of thousands about Jesus. His articles have appeared in RELEVANT, Christianity Today, The Christian Post, The Gospel Coalition, CrossWalk, Church Leaders, The Baptist Press, FaithIt, HelloChristian, and many others.Check out his most recent sermons, articles, and...

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  • Together with Dr. Margaret Paul

    Wednesday, December 13, 2023

    19 minutes

    Dr. Paul is the author/co-author of several best-selling books, including Do I Have To Give Up Me to Be Loved By You?, Inner Bonding, Healing Your Aloneness, The Healing Your Aloneness Workbook, Do I Have To Give Up Me to Be Loved By My Kids?, Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By God?, and her recent books, Diet for Divine Connection: Beyond Junk Foods and Junk Thoughts to At-Will Spiritual Connection, and The Inner Bonding Workbook: Six Steps to Healilng Yourself and Connecting with Your Divine Guidance. Dr. Paul's books have been distributed around the world and have been translated int...

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  • Together with Lucas Livingston

    Wednesday, December 13, 2023

    22 minutes

    Lucas Livingston is the Assistant Director of Accessibility and Lifelong Learning at The Art Institute of Chicago. He is a nationally recognized leader concerning the intersections of the arts, museums, cultural accessibility, health, wellness, lifelong learning, and creative aging.Jack takes time to speak with him about loneliness, aging, and the arts.He is also the creator and host of the Ancient Art Podcast. You can find it online at www.ancientartpodcast.orgGrab your copy of Jack Eason's latest book TOGETHER: Abandoning Loneliness for the Power of Community at https://www.jackeason.org/...

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  • Together with Jason Jimenez

    Wednesday, December 13, 2023

    26 minutes

    Jack Eason welcomes Jason Jimenez to the podcast for a further examination of loneliness in our society. During the global pandemic, congregations and public gatherings have been curtailed. The distance being forced between loved ones, church members, and associates is damaging personal relationships.Jason Jimenez is the founder of STAND STRONG Ministries and faculty member at Summit Ministries. He is a pastor, apologist, and national speaker who has ministered to families for over twenty years. In his extensive ministry career, Jason has been a Children’s, Student, and College Pastor, and ...

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  • Together with Heather Nelson

    Wednesday, December 13, 2023

    18 minutes

    Heather Nelson, Research Chair at Saskatchewan Polytechnic is Jack Eason's guest this episode of the podcast. She guessed that COVID-19 would have a potent impact in exacerbating loneliness and isolation in seniors and decided to study those effects.Grab your copy of Jack Eason's latest book TOGETHER: Abandoning Loneliness for the Power of Community at https://www.jackeason.org/books/#lonelinessStatistics show that, despite our connected world--and partly because of it--we are lonelier than ever. Social media tricks us into thinking that we are engaged in genuine friendships, except we neve...

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  • Together with Karestan Koenen

    Wednesday, December 13, 2023

    20 minutes

    Jack Eason speaks with Karestan Koenen, Professor of Psychiatric Epidemiology at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, about loneliness and public health.Dr. Koenen's research focus is three-fold. First, she studies why some people develop PTSD and related mental and physical health problems and why some people are resilient when exposed to similar traumatic events. Second, she investigates how violence, trauma, and PTSD alter long-term physical health and accelerate aging. Much of this work is done in collaboration with the Nurses' Health Study. Third, she aims to expand access to evi...

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  • Together with Dr. Julianne Holt-Lunstad

    Wednesday, December 13, 2023

    28 minutes

    In this episode, Jack has a conversation with Dr. Julianne Holt-Lunstad, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at Brigham Young University. She is a loneliness and social isolation expert whose research focuses on the long-term health effects of social connections.Julianne has made the remarkable finding that being socially isolated carries the same health risk as smoking 15 cigarettes a day! And it's more predictive of early death than the effects of air pollution or physical inactivity.We recognize today that the U.S. and a number of other developed nations are facing a loneliness ep...

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  • Together with Ziggi Santini

    Wednesday, December 13, 2023

    37 minutes

    Ziggi Santini tells Jack Eason about the Act-Belong-Commit framework for mental health promotion.Ziggi Santini currently works at the Danish National Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark. Ziggi does research in mental health promotion and positive mental health.You can connect with Ziggi on Twitter - https://twitter.com/ziggisantini and LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ziggisantini/?originalSubdomain=dkGrab your copy of Jack Eason's latest book TOGETHER: Abandoning Loneliness for the Power of Community at https://www.jackeason.org/books/#lonelinessStatistics show...

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  • Together with Ali Pattillo

    Wednesday, December 13, 2023

    19 minutes

    Ali is a health and science reporter based in New York City. Previously, Ali covered health at CNN with Dr. Sanjay Gupta. She graduated from Columbia Journalism School in 2019 and Dartmouth College in 2017.You can find much of her writing work on Inverse at https://www.inverse.com/profile/ali-pattillo-19621088Ali is also Associate Producer for a podcast named The Abstract which examines. From the natural world to outer space, Inverse offers timely journalism and interesting points of view for people who want to know what's next. Health research, updates on SpaceX and NASA, sleep psychology,...

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  • Together with Attaboy

    Wednesday, December 13, 2023

    24 minutes

    Attaboy’s Ryan Payne joins Jack Eason to talk about the epidemic of loneliness among young people in our culture.Their song ‘Disappearing’ gives voice to that feeling and experience in a way that anyone who has ever felt lonely can connect with the song.Attaboy believes we live in a culture obsessed with the search for what is “real.” Whether in the demand for public figures to be more honest and genuine, or in the desire for “all natural” products, or the everyday search for authentic, meaningful experiences, one thing rings true: we are a people with a deep longing for the real thing.Ryan...

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  • The Evening Show with Lisa Barry

    7:00pm - 11:00pm

    Weekdays from 7 PM - 11 PM

  • Right Song at the Right Time

    11:00pm - Midnight

    Connecting. Strengthening.

  • Right Song at the Right Time

    Midnight - 6:00am

    Connecting. Strengthening.