Episode 36 - Special Guest - Season Bowers - The Joy Bringer
If You Really Knew Me
Friday, May 17, 2024 - 57 minutes
If you attended The Bridge’s Bring the Joy ladies conference in January, you won’t want to miss this month’s podcast episode of If You Really Knew Me as Ben and Kim sit down with author, speaker and Joy Bringer, Season Bowers.
Even if you didn’t attend this event, you will still enjoy Season’s passion about God’s word and how she navigates the relationships in her life through the lens of the Enneagram. If You Really Knew Me can be found at We Are The Bridge dot org slash podcast, on The Bridge app, OR wherever you listen to podcasts.
The Joy Bringer Podcast
Season Bowers website
Season Bowers on Facebook
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If you’re not sure where to start but want to know more, refer to Ep 2 - The Enneagram Explained
Info credit: Beth McCord (Your Enneagram Coach)
Hosts: Kim Willey and Ben Sorrells
Ben is a Certified Enneagram Coach through YEC and Beth McCord
Helpful Links:
Discover your Enneagram Type: Here's one that we like! YEC Enneagram Type Assessment
Learn about all 9 types: 9 Types Overview
In-depth Enneagram Courses: YEC Enneagram Courses
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The Bridge Podcast Network is made possible by generous support from The Boardwalk Plaza Hotel and Victoria’s Restaurant on the boardwalk in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware - Open 7 days a week, year-round - Learn more at https://boardwalkplaza.com
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