Calvary Church Benevolence Yard Sale
Saturday, October 19, 2024
- Time
- 7:00 AM - 1:00 PM
- Venue
- Calvary Church, Dover, DE, 19901
- Price
- $15 per spot
Find your next deal or sell some old items at the Calvary Benevolence Yard Sale on October 19th! Concessions also available- all proceeds go to our Food Pantry.
More Information (The Bridge is not responsible for external websites)
Looking for a bargain? Need to finally get rid of those old items collecting dust in your house? Join us for the Benevolence Yard Sale on Saturday, October 19th!
We're opening our parking lot so you can find your next deal! Whether you’re looking to buy, or if you want to rent a parking space ($15/spot) to sell your items, you’re invited! This is a great opportunity to find something new, as well as to connect with members of the community.
Concession sales will also be available, with all proceeds going to support our Food Pantry program. Sodas, hamburgers, and hot dogs will be available for sale.
We're opening our parking lot so you can find your next deal! Whether you’re looking to buy, or if you want to rent a parking space ($15/spot) to sell your items, you’re invited! This is a great opportunity to find something new, as well as to connect with members of the community.
Concession sales will also be available, with all proceeds going to support our Food Pantry program. Sodas, hamburgers, and hot dogs will be available for sale.
Calvary Church
1141 E. Lebanon Rd.
Dover, DE
The event runs from 7:00 AM to 1:00 PM on the following dates.
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