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Bethel Tabernacle is a vibrant community of people united in our desire to grow in our faith.
Phone Number: 302-539-6768
Address: 34180 Omar Rd, Frankford, DE, 19945
At Crossroad Community Church, we believe the issue is always the heart.
Phone Number: 302-629-0111
Our fellowship is made up of Filipinos, Americans and many ethnic backgrounds. Everyone is made to feel welcome. Services are in English. Worship services are Sunday at 11:00 AM.
Phone Number: (302) 678-1950
Address: 2736 Forrest Ave, Dover, 19901
Come find your purpose at Maranatha Life Changing Church located at 1235 E Division St in Dover. Experience anointed worship and preaching full of celebration and inspiration at all our services.
Phone Number: 302-734-9510
Address: 1235 E. Division St , Dover, 19901
A multigenerational church with lots of exciting activities for the whole family.
Phone Number: 302-422-9138
Address: 500 N Walnut St, Milford, 19963
Do you know how much God loves you? Let us help you find out.
Phone Number: (302) 538-6031
Address: 1532 E Lebanon Rd, Dover, 19901