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You Are Never Alone

Matthew 28:20

Be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age. (NLT)

You Are Never Alone

Have you ever thought about what David meant when he wrote ‘though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…’? Sounds ominous and foreboding, doesn’t it?! I hadn’t really felt the full weight of that space until this past year. Keeping vigil alongside my sister-in-law while my youngest brother lay dying in a hospital bed. For nearly 48 hours we sat beside him, praying, reminiscing, hoping for a miracle, weeping, laughing, reading scripture, and playing worship music. Everything we tried to do to bring him, and each other, comfort. We walked with him as far as we could in this life. I knew the moment he took his last breath, and his first forever step into eternity, that he was embraced fully by the arms of His Savior.

Never alone. Sometimes God allows us to keep each other company but even when there is no one around…we are never alone. Jesus said this in Matthew 28:20, “Be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” He never leaves us!

Even when I thought I couldn’t endure that valley as the death shadow passed over me…I knew God’s presence was there. He was holding me close…close enough that I could feel His heartbeat. I’ve never felt the veil between this life and the heavenly realm feel as thin as it did that day and in those days following such loss. God said He is near the brokenhearted and He saves the crushed in spirit. (Psalm 34:18)

Loss can come from so many things. You may have suffered the loss of a loved one, perhaps a job loss, the letting go of a dream, a marriage, or a home. In all of it, God is with us. He is not limited by time or space as we are. He is Emmanuel, God with us.

What does God say about you? You are never alone.


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Read more devotions written by Denise Harper at Treasured Inside

  • Treasured Inside Devotion

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