Day 28
New to the Gratitude for Every Day 30-Day Devotion? Start with Day 1!
Take time to be thankful. Read a short devotion and a selected Bible verse each day.
It’s Day 28 of the Gratitude for Every Day 30-Day Devotion.
Anyone who’s ever participated as a volunteer during Fundraiser at The Bridge knows how special that time is for all involved. In the early days of the station fundraisers on Appels Road, volunteers would take pledges in the smallest conference room. You’d better love your brethren in Christ to volunteer, then. Pledges were written down; it was a miracle you could hear yourself think!
Nowadays, along Route One, volunteers enjoy a personal desk with computers to enter important data. In the corners sit various employees, who are always kind in assisting volunteers who need extra help. There’s always something to do, like stuffing envelopes, filling treat bags and more.
While the place and size of the venue has changed from the early days, one thing has always remained the same: we are part of something bigger than ourselves. With every call that comes in, we the volunteers have the honor to hear stories about how the radio station has blessed the caller. We the volunteers have the privilege to take heart-felt prayer requests to the Throne Room of God.
We have laughed and celebrated victories regarding saved loved ones, new jobs, every victory imaginable. We have mourned with those who have mourned. It’s not unusual for volunteers to cry together and pray over a situation. In all circumstances, God always receives the praise during Fundraiser; and that’s what makes those six days of the year all the more special.
"And in that day you will say: "Praise the Lord, call upon His name; declare His deeds among the peoples, make mention that His name is exalted." From humble beginnings at a former chicken house in the farmlands of Milford, to serving listeners in four states, The Bridge is still strengthening and connecting fellow believers.
Isaiah 12:4 (ESV: English Standard Version)
Don't have your Bible handy? Click here to read online.
Rebecca Jones
Rebecca Jones is a writer and cake decorating enthusiast who lives in Seaford, Delaware with her husband Tim, and her youngest son -- a musically gifted young man named Samuel. She is equally proud of her birds who have flown from the nest: Glenn, Daniel, and Rachel, and loves her role as mother-in-law to Taylor and Conner. She is owned by her three beautiful kitties -- Shiloh, Fritzie, and Baby -- and plays frisbee practically every day with her playmate: a dog named "Ringo."
Rebecca makes her spiritual home at Abundant Life Church, Donovan's Road, Georgetown, where she helps in whichever capacity she is able and available.
Rebecca writes for Morningstar Publications as a freelance newswriter. She also has been a freelance writer for web companies and organizations. In addition, she enjoys voice-over work, as well as oral storytelling.
Rebecca has had work published in trade magazines, as well as the former "Christian Woman" magazine. "Chicken Soup for the Soul" has published stories in two of their books. She has had short stories published in five different published books.
She is currently working on personal writing projects which include two plays, a book, a memoir, and a children's book or two. Rebecca can be reached at