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Day 10

New to the Gratitude for Every Day 30-Day Devotion? Start with Day 1!

Take time to be thankful. Read a short devotion and a selected Bible verse each day.


It’s Day 10 of the Gratitude for Every Day 30-Day Devotion.



Do you love with your whole heart? Do you love when it’s convenient? Joyous? Fulfilling? How about when the season is terrible? Troublesome? Traumatic?

In Psalm 86:12, King David says, “I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name for ever.” (NRSV)

David was a blessed man. A leader. Someone who made others go, “This is a man for God.” He also had his share of troubles. Still, people knew. “This is a man for God.”

Why? Because David was all in. No matter his circumstances, he knew it was best to praise the Lord.

God wants the best for us. Sometimes it doesn’t seem like He’s paying attention, because if He was, some of these things wouldn’t be happening, right? These hurts run deep, and some leave scars that don’t fully heal.

But our scars can tell our story of overcoming. They can represent His Power and Protection. They can be a sign of what wasn’t worse. They can be our witness to others of what God has done for us, and what He hasn’t done. They can … if we let them. They are reminders to ourselves that God finds us important enough to call us His own, no matter what.

One of my favorite prayers is, “Lord, thank You for what You have done, what You will do, and what You will protect me from.” It’s so important to acknowledge that God’s providence lies also in what He does not provide: an easy fix, a misdirected path, a now-solution that leaves a later-hole.

Rejoice fully in the Lord, because He is present enough to walk with you through your night and day, in bad times and in blessed times. He is always all in for us. No matter what.

Dearest Lord, thank you for being all in for me. I pray in thanksgiving for all you have done, all you will do, and all you have, are, and will protect me from. I am all in for you. Amen.



Psalm 86:12 (ESV: English Standard Version)

Don't have your Bible handy? Click here to read online.



Molly Jo Realy

A Southern hippiechick at heart, Molly Jo Realy is author of the romantic location mystery novel, NOLA, and creator of the Book Builder Workbook. The founder of New Inklings Press, she is also an editor and coach who strives to encourage people to embrace their unique talents to share their stories as only they can. Addicted to God, cats, tea, planners, and pens, in no particular order. Follow her on social media for more fun!


“Writing is about grabbing the reader’s attention and telling the story only you can tell. Let your personality and experiences flow into the characters you write, read, and live.

It’s not what I write that’s unique.
It’s how I write it.”


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