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Who's At Your Well

I've been thinking about the Samaritan woman at the well that Jesus intentionally sought out. Almost everyone went early in the morning to draw water from the well...NOT in the heat of the day. That makes me think she was trying to avoid people by walking all that way when it was so hot. By reading the Gospel accounts of their interaction she had no idea who Jesus was and most likely wished He wasn't there at the well.

During their encounter, she said things like, "why would you, a Jew, ask me, a Samaritan for a drink?" "You don't even have a bucket." "You aren't greater than our father, Jacob." "Give me this water so I won't get thirsty and have to keep coming back to this well." On every topic, Jesus kept a steady flow of intriguing conversation until she revealed her faith to Him. In John 4:25 the woman said, "I know that the Messiah is coming. When He comes, He will explain everything to us." And Jesus said in the next verse (26), "I, the one speaking to you, am He."

Just imagine this moment. She's tired from walking, hot, thirsty. They've been almost sparring conversationally. And when she quotes Scripture from the Old Testament prophets to Jesus, the One who IS the Word, Jesus removes any confusion, doubt or misunderstanding in her mind of who He is...clearly proclaiming that He is the One for whom she has waited.

I love this so much. Jesus knew where she was. He knew she was waiting...that she had questions...and that she needed Him. Jesus patiently listened and talked through all her baggage. And when she opened her heart to hear the Good News, Jesus, the Truth revealed Himself to her. Jesus will do that for us too. He is patient. He knows that sometimes we have to peel off the layers of baggage that we've carried to be open to receive who He is what He came to do for us and in us. He is here and He is ready.

Read more devotions written by Denise Harper at Treasured Inside