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Tension Troubles

Have you ever walked into a room and the tension was so thick you just wanted to exit as quickly as possible? The phrase 'so thick you could cut it with a knife' comes to mind. Although that seems really drastic! Regardless of whether you are a part of the situation or an innocent bystander you can sense tension in the air. That kind of tension isn't healthy and the Bible encourages us in Romans 12:18 (NLT), "Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone."

Tension gets a bad wrap at times. There IS a good kind of tension. You could hold a wire at one end and let it dangle and that wire would not fulfill its purpose. But when you attach it from the body of a guitar to the head of that guitar and tighten it up, the tension allows music to be played as the string is strummed. The tension is necessary to do what it was created to do. Deadlines create tension that help us plan, process and stay on track.

So when Romans 12:18 tells us to do all that we can to live in peace with everyone I don't believe that it means to avoid or isolate from those with whom we struggle to be around. The action word in that verse is "DO". Is there someone that creates tension in your heart when you're around them? Pray for them! Something happens when we pray for someone we are struggling with. It happens in our heart when we pray for theirs! When I pray, "God, help me to love that person like YOU love them", that tension that I felt begins to crumble...and that opens the door for miracles in relationships to happen.

Let that be your prayer today if God is bringing someone to your mind. He will help you to do all that YOU can do to live at peace with them.

Read more devotions written by Denise Harper at Treasured Inside