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Tasty Or Toxic

If there was a fountain near you that produced the most crystal clear, fresh water and you were able to stop and fill up your water bottle every day with refreshing water from this fountain you would probably stop by often, wouldn't you? What if it offered clean water some of the time... and some of the time the water was polluted? Toxic even? Would you keep going back or would you look for a different source for good water? Of course you would go somewhere else. No one wants to drink bad tasting water!

New York Times Best-selling Author and Proverbs 31 Ministries Speaker Karen Ehman said, "When we open our mouths, let’s think praise…not put-downs." When I read it I immediately thought of our water source. We wouldn't keep going back to a source that constantly put out horrible water. So why would we expect people to keep coming back to us when our conversation is laden with negative, toxic comments?.. and yet we do!

Proverbs 18:21 in The Message declares, "Words kill, words give life; they're either poison or fruit - you choose." What if we measured every word that we spoke as life-affirming or life-robbing? We don't just pollute others with our negative conversations. We pollute ourselves. Words of life are like little gift boxes of hope. Let's choose to speak life today like little gifts of hope. Let's look for ways to make our conversations with one another more sweet.

Read more devotions written by Denise Harper at Treasured Inside
