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Old Faithful

Have you ever been to Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming? It is home to some of the most amazing geysers that erupt on a fairly regular schedule. Since the very first National Park's inception at Yellowstone in 1872 the most famous geyser known as 'Old Faithful' has done its thing predictably every day since the time it was discovered. In fact, you can watch it erupt with hot, steamy water from anywhere in the world via live webcam and each day the park notes on its website the eruption time to within ten minutes. Remarkable. Awe-inspiring. Old Faithful does its thing - every day - at about the same time - in the same way.

But even Old Faithful could be less faithful. That geyser is dependent on other things around it. It is actually a reaction to other conditions in and around the earth. It is totally possible that there would come a day when the eruption doesn't happen.

There is only One who remains the very same today as He was thousands of years ago and will remain faithful til the end and that is our faithful God. There is no question about God's faithfulness. Rather than reacting to outside stimuli...God's faithfulness is part of His DNA. The very character of God IS faithfulness. He tells us in 2 Timothy 2:13 (ESV) that even "if we are faithless, He remains faithful - for He cannot deny Himself". Even when we falter in our faithfulness to Him...He will always be true to His promises for you and me.

If you have been beating yourself up over something...regret, shame, faithlessness...take note that God has always been faithful. He IS faithful today. He will be faithful tomorrow...and forever. He loves you. He sent His Son to restore you and me to Him and we can rest in His faithfulness to us.

Read more devotions written by Denise Harper at Treasured Inside

  • Treasured Inside Devotion

    Denise Harper’s new book, "Treasured Inside - Devotions With Denise," is available from The Bridge Store and at Amazon, Apple, Target, and more...

