Fully Known
We check our email, our voicemail, direct messages....and then we scroll. We scroll through what social media calls our 'news feed'. Before we know it we have scrolled through the feed for hours and still...we are hungry. Hungry for connection. And even when we say we are connected through all these different media outlets...still... we are starving to be known.
Jeremiah 1:5 (NASB) says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you." When we truly understand that our Creator, the God of the Universe, Jehovah Shalom, the Lord of Peace, knew us before He even formed us in our mother's womb, we will be able to silence the voices that tell us we are not enough. Knowing that we are known by God allows us to tune out the voice that says you have little significance.
Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with our communication outlets but we will never find our significance in the number of friends, likes and follows that we get there.
You are of great significance in this story because God Himself is writing it. Before you were born He knew you...and called you by name. As you are taking your next breath, responding to your messages, scrolling through your feed, don't search for connection and value there. Seek out God. Know that He has called you and set you apart for the plan He created you to walk in. And God knows you. You are His beloved and He is yours. In God, you will find connection and the joy of being fully known.
Read more devotions written by Denise Harper at Treasured Inside
Treasured Inside Devotion
Denise Harper’s new book, "Treasured Inside - Devotions With Denise," is available from The Bridge Store and at Amazon, Apple, Target, and more...