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Finishing Our Sentences

You are loved. You were formed in the image and likeness of your Creator. Long before your parents laid eyes on you for the very first time...in fact, long before your heartbeat was heard or your mama felt you move for the first time in her belly...God knew you. Jeremiah 1:5 (MSG) is such a beautiful exclamation from the Lord. "Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you."

Have you ever known someone so well that you know how they think and how they respond? You may even finish each others sentences you know them so well! I was thinking about that recently and had this thought: what if I allowed God to finish my sentences for me? What if, instead of saying, I can't do this, I let God finish my conversation with "you can do all things through Christ because He strengthens you." (Phil 4:13) When I begin to say I'm not smart enough, I give the Lord space to say "If you need wisdom, ask Me, your generous God, and I will give it to you. And I will not rebuke you for asking." (James 1:5)

The more we know God the more we know how He finishes His sentences...His promises to us. What if today, when we find ourselves tempted to finish our sentences the way the world has spoken them over us, we allow God to finish our sentences with what He has spoken over us... from before we were born?! Allowing God's Word to finish our thoughts and conversations will change the course of our day...maybe even our life!

Read more devotions written by Denise Harper at Treasured Inside
