Devotions with Denise
Love Never Stops Loving
We had friends who walked through international adoption. They felt God calling them to adopt a little boy from Thailand.
Believing The Best
"Love is a safe place of shelter, for it never stops believing the best for others." That is The Passion Translation of 1 Corinthians 13:7
Not Easily Irritated
1 Corinthians 13: 5-6 (TPT) "Love does not traffic in shame and disrespect, nor selfishly seek its own honor. Love is not easily irritated...
The Character of Love
Have you ever played a role in a play? Or maybe you were invited to a character party and you had to show up 'in character'? Just putting on a costume isn't enough.
Crash, Boom, Bang
They packed us into the end section of the bleachers when I was in my high school marching band. I played marimba in the percussion section and our team was LOUD!
In my Bible, Psalm 68 is entitled "A Song of Triumph". Thirty-five amazing verses of victory and celebration.
Find Your Family
Loneliness is an enigma. It is totally possible to be alone and not feel lonely. Likewise, you could be surrounded by many people and yet feel all alone.
Home Hub
I saw the craziest message appear on my phone the other day. It read, "Living Room has not been responding for a while. Your home may not behave as expected."
Over A Meal
I have a dear friend that I've known for more than 30 years. I still remember the very first time I came to her home for dinner.
Set Your Sights
When I was growing up we lived outside of town, in a wooded area, and we loved it when Dad would set up targets in the yard to practice shooting. We mostly practiced with his .22 rifle but every so often...
Peek-a-boo! I SEE you! Remember playing that game with your little ones? Even when my kiddos were babies they picked up on the fascination of the game.
A Bitter Root
My husband, Ken, and I learned an important lesson about dealing with conflict. We learned it ... the hard way.
God Keeps His Promises To Us
There was never a time that God didn’t have a plan. His Holy Word begins with, “In the beginning, God…”
The Echo Of God
Have you ever stood at the edge of a canyon and hollered? If you listen, you'll hear the words you hollered echo...
Carry The Hope
Time does not heal all wounds; and, when the counselor asked my friend if she had hope that things could be better my friend admitted that she didn't know.
Don't Look Back
You got this. Follow your dreams. You are loved. Three-word phrases that we've heard and, likely, found inspiration and encouragement in when we've heard them spoken to us. In Luke 17:32, Jesus cautioned...
Dreams I'm Dreaming
Many of my dreams are such a crazy, jumbled mess of people, places and things that aren't even connected. It's as if my subconscious is trying to file random thoughts I've had into Act 1, Scene 1...
Follow The Leader
So often I have thanked God for going with me. I'm so thankful for the presence of God that lives in me. And if you've asked Jesus to be your Lord and Savior - His presence lives in you too!
Inching Up At The Intersection
We were traveling through town waiting at an intersection for the traffic signal to turn green. We happened to be in the lane going straight and we had vehicles to our left, in the turn lane, waiting for a green arrow.
I Didn't Want You To Get Your Hopes Up
"I didn't want you to get your hopes up." It was part of a conversation that I heard a mom say to her daughter recently...
No Guac
No guac. That's the end of my order at every Mexican restaurant. I am not a fan of the avocado so guacamole is NOT something I want dolloped out on top of my meal.
I've shared about my great-grandmother's trunk before. It is a priceless heirloom that my husband Ken secretly had restored for me one year as a Christmas gift.
Do As I Do
One of the quotes I remember hearing as I was growing up was this - don't do as I do - do as I say.
My List
I was fully engaged in worship at a camp meeting service one evening. My eyes were closed and I had no idea what was happening around me. When the music ended and I opened my eyes...
How To Spot A Counterfeit
When I worked in retail one of the things they taught us was how to identify fake currency. You might think that staring at fake bills would help to spot other fakes but this is what they told us: study the real deal.
Old Faithful
Have you ever been to Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming? It is home to some of the most amazing geysers that erupt on a fairly regular schedule.
Charging Before The Storm
I saw it coming. The limbs and leaves on the trees were beginning to sway more and more. The sky was getting darker by the minute.
The Conductor
When my kids were in middle school they each expressed an interest in learning to play an instrument. Our son, Cody, wanted to learn to play the trumpet, and our daughter, Abby, had aspirations to play the flute.
Stain Remover
I have a terrible habit of spilling things. No matter how hard I try not to...something often makes its way onto my shirt.
I know at times we long for more simple days. Less gadgets and things that distract us but I've got to say that there are certain inventions that I am really thankful for.